Would you be able to add the option to have all world meshes use Double Sided Geometry, or have the materials use two sided? In the video you posted, if you have an environmental light (directional light) outside of the buildings, and the exteriors get removed then the sunlight beams through. It would be a huge pain to have to try and stop that happening manually.
This is actually in already (as a selectable toggle for brushes that had at least one side removed because of a nodraw rule the user set, which indeed leads to the sun shining through and the default UE character going all supershine like in the video), I just forgot to turn it on for the video. cough
So I’m running into a lot of Source textures that have superfluous alpha information, sometimes even making entire meshes ‘invisible’ for the wrong reason.
I’ve been mulling over some ideas on how to avoid this problem, input would be welcome from people that have actually run into this.
I cant wait to use this, its going to speed up my workflow so much. The only downside to this is that hammer only supports a power of two grid, which kind of sucks, a lot.
if you open the .vmf in notpad ++ and look for “nGridSpacing” “16” under viewsettngs and change that number to 10 or 5 the grid will increase or decrease by 5 or 10 units but if you go under that number to like 1 unit for detail work when u go up in grid size it’ll change back to power of 2
In my 10 years of level design in source, I never once knew about this…
You are a saviour! This will surely make me buy HammUEr now.
Another question I have though, is does this weld vertices of all the brushes in a group?
Pretty sure it doesn’t yet but that it’s planned
I really want to buy this, but Im afraid if I buy it on Gumroad that itll be a pain to update when updates do come out, and that I wont be able to get it on the marketplace.
Haven’t used Gumroad much myself, but installing updates is just a matter of copy pasting the new folder over the old one. You’d still end up having to do that with updates coming through the marketplace I’m pretty sure
Understandable. The current process is pretty painless, though. I upload milestone builds to the site, which sends out an update message to you to tell you there’s a new version and what’s in it. You just download it and (as Joe said) unpack it in your project’s plugin directory over the previous version you were using, and you’re off.
Anyone knows the right scale for maps? (CSS/CSGO Default sizes)
If it uses something like the default HL2 Source sizes set out in the official docs, 39.37 should do it, or be pretty close.
Some more pretty-ish (unprocessed or fixed up) shots as I’m ramping up to a beta release of 1.1 sometime later this week, hopefully.
Omg this project is amazing. I spend so much time - almost years - messing around with Hammer. I can’t wait to get some maps back to live again.
wish these forums had an awesome work button
So what Hammer version do I need to run? Are there any comprehensive tutorials about Hammer? (I come from Quake 1, Quake 3 and Doom 3 mapping background)
Any version from Orange Box on, except the Dota 2 Source 2 one should work.
As for Hammer tutorials, sorry can’t help with that.
For the buyers that didn’t get the email it should have sent out, the beta of version 1.1 is up on gumroad.
Now includes model import that should cover everything from Orange Box up to and including CS:GO, and fixed placement in the maps on import.
Is there any progress with Doom 3 maps support ?