I have been using 1.1 beta with 4.10 engine, does the 1.2 alpha have any advantages for source stuff?
Off the top of my head…
- Brush mesh smoothing
- Round accepted points to take care of floating point gaps
- More TF2 model types supported
- Toggleable model rotation axis ignoring when importing (this is rare edgecase stuff someone needed and you probably won’t, but it’s new)
- A list of various random bugfixes I can’t really remember
Is there any chance I can get this for free at some point? I want to make UE levels.
Not really, no.
@: How is it going (with Doom 3 format) ?
I was also thinking about a way to optimize BSP geometry on import and I am wondering if the plugin does the following:
Full: http://s32.postimg.org/9howaj5lv/ue4_map_import_mockup.png
Reddish color is “caulk” or “nodraw” (caulk is default for Quake 3 and Doom 3; not sure if Quake .map even have anything like that). It would be nice to remove those triangles on import and maybe have an option to have leftover geometry to be separated into individual static meshes based on set of some rules (unless you already have all that implemented )
Haven’t done anything more on the Doom3 loader, sorry to say.
Been refactoring my code… and now I need make more deep changes to be able to get it on the marketplace, so…
B is basically what happens when you set a material to nodraw already.
C would create a ridiculous amount of
So, if I buy it now, will I get it for free when it goes to the Marketplace? (I figured as long as I can import Quake 1 and Doom 3 brush work with curves, it should be enough since I’ll be making maps from scratch anyway)
I have no idea how the epic marketplace will work, so I can’t really answer that.
It’s not like I’ll suddenly stop supporting and updating the other marketplace versions, though.
Alright, finally got it through Gumroad!
Thanks for this wonderful plugin and I hope you keep supporting it!
Ofc manually.
Yeah, animation and gameplay are things you’re going to have to implement yourself, I’m afraid.
It’s a map importer/workflow pipeline streamlining plugin which might include some (very limited) basic map logic importing, but one stop game conversion is impossible (and also not very legal).
Yes, but not with HammUEr
Possible, yes.
A priority for HammUEr? Not really.
Work continues to make HammUEr marketplace ready, with quite a few extra fixes/new features since the last public version.
Anyway, I could use some more votes for this poll.
Basically, the options are to import paths the way they are in the map files (1 actor per loose separate named node, that point to another named node), or to concatenate them to one actor per discovered “path” which contains a list of 3D points on the path and a continuous path between them.
Hello, I recently got this plugin so excuse me if these problems have been solved, if it has, point me in the right direction? I’m also very new to UE but fairly familiar with source.
So I’m importing my map and this is my biggest issue atm:
As you can see I’m getting very odd lighting on blocks that have been sliced in source. Is it some faces not having no draw textures where they should be? I tried solving that by making the faces displacements or simply no drawing every texture that shouldn’t be showing but still had trouble. And this isn’t every object, some func_details seem to not have this issue yet when I have multiple objects grouped as a func_detail, I get this shadowy look on all my sliced up geometry.
My second issue is that my props are importing in super tiny, I assume because I’m scaling my map to the default (according to the plugin) size which is 39.369999~, and the props are importing as 100? I’ve managed to do a quick fix by selecting all of them in the world outliner then scaling them from 1.0 to 2.5, but it’s still not perfect. How do I fix this?
Third issue is I’m trying to import textures with an alpha channel, I tried following the 2nd guide joewintergreen set up but I still see black in my textures:
Fourth, all of my props that are foliage types, such as bushes or trees look like this:
Really scratching my head on this one… Thanks in advance
Hehe, I love it!
What are those notepads (on the first 2 screenshots)?
Locations of unknown/unhandled entity types, with the entity type and identifier stored in them
(you can turn creating these off)
So for that first shot, there’s 2 “speaker” nodes, one info_location one and one marscity_marine_helmet_p90_directions_ver2
Second one is all “speaker” nodes playing steam pipe sound effects
Ah, I see. Pretty cool.
Sorry, missed this one.
Can you check what the normals look like?
(Also, was this with smoothing turned on or off?)
Did you set adjust prop scale to UE scale on the ConfigUEr tab?
I think it might still be defaulting to “ignore” in the current builds, which would indeed just make it 1:1 sized.
These two are related, I think.
How exactly is your material set up?
This is the most basic setup (no worldvertextransitions, etc) that should work.
And what were your source materials like?
If it’s tree branches and leaves, it’s probably an $alphatest 1 material, which HammUEr should have picked up on during import and toggled blend mode masked in the unreal material instance.
Also, have you looked at the texture? Does it actually have alpha?
(If not, was “do not use texture alpha on import” toggled on on the configuer tab?)