Hammerfell Port

Woow! So glad that you share your work! I’ll take a peek at it for sure.
And thanks for your kind words.

Making small tweaks here and there. Some last hour assets and little experiments.


Hi greentoxic!

The additional assets are very fitting for the environment. They add even more color variety to the buildings overlooking the bazaar.

In your last screenshot, I’m reminded to ask about the light towers surrounding the port. Are they daedric-inspired?

Also, would you be able to include the motion of the lift/elevator that you created earlier in one of your video fly throughs? That was such a great idea and is definitely worth showcasing!

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This will probably be the last update before closing the project, I think it’s pretty much done at this point.


Hello, @Get_DOVAH_it !

Indeed, the towers are partially daedrick-inspired (that metallic crown is hard to miss for any Oblivion veteran).

I’m gonna try to make the elevator functional before we close the project, but cant make promises. Although I also love the idea, it became a problem when only the cage moved, while the string remained static, making it look weird.

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Yes, greentoxic, I totally understand.

I’m sorry the animation for the elevator had not worked as intended. If it isn’t functional by the close of the project, maybe it could be a static platform with objects from the environment on it. Maybe some hanging ivy to make it look like an old lift that used to be functional that no longer is, perhaps.

The addition of the outdoor lighting and the additional flora makes this port look even more like an oasis amongst the Alik’r Desert. How did you decide on the lighting for the Hammerfell Port? It most definitely is beautifully appropriate for this type of atmosphere!

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Here’s the last update of this project! It’s been a long project, with some challenges, but I feel that I have learn a quite lot from it, and cant wait to jump into the next enviroment.

You can see more pics in my Artstation, and Arturo’s:

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Thanks a lot for your constant support through the project, @Get_DOVAH_it , really appreciated it!

For the lighting we used the Assassins Creed Origins references as a base, and from there we tweaked bit by bit till we were satisfied.

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Hi @greentoxic_eyes !

Thank you so much for taking us along for the development journey of your Hammerfell Port! This is a job well done for you and your partner! Congratulations! :confetti_ball: :clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4:

What are your aspirations for the future? Will you continue building environments or will you explore developing additional skills?

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I’ll keep building enviroments. And I wanna study a bit more about blueprints, both for level creation and for player mechanics.

I’m already working on the blockout and main mechanic of a possible project. Not gonna say a lot yet, but the player will have a ton of movility.

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That’s actually pretty insane. Blown away by some of the sea shots. Look to get the free dynamic ocean/water addon from unreal store, forget what it’s called but it models waves and everything, you just have to use the lake one, then apply the ocean material to it for some reason on UE5. Then VOILA → EPIC REAL WAVES