Half of river water not appearing

Landmass & Water plugin turned on.

For some reason I cant seem to get all of the water in this river to appear. There doesn’t seem to be a water mesh actor for it(the nearby “lake” I’m using to fake an ocean shoreline has the only one and even that one is too small sigh), and spawning a new one doesn’t seem to effect any kind of water body at all either. Doesn’t seem like the water systems play nice with larger maps (Isung the 4k x 4k size recommended in the documentation)

Posted a similar problem, mine was (is) that the water plan has got a fixed max size and cannot currently be moved from the origin, so if your river stretches behind that point it will be clipped, most likely with some strange artefacts.

I had the same problem. I found tutorials by Ben Cloward and he said you need the terrrain above 0 in height.

This tutorial save my live <3

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