Hair Shadow strangeness

Getting some issues AGAIN with the hair.
meta human hair.

its a self made hair groom set though. it HAS worked, but as soon as i started using spot lights im getting strange “slicing style” shadows

as you can see, standing outdoors, and with or without the spotlight (her flash light)
only one directional light used
but - why is this happening again (2 months down the line)

is it worth upgrading to 5.5??

Hey! Could you please tell me what shadow method and GI method are you using?

Oh… using Luman, and Virtual Shadows, DX12, i cant drop down to DX11 or Forward render.

sorry, i spaced on that!

Have you tried to enable cast Deep shadows on your light sources? You can disable Lumen or change to old shadow maps to see who is causing that issue too because I heard that Lumen was causing some errors to hair overall

no, i wont be turning off Lumen, and Deep shadows is on, I’m messing around with the settings again getting random results though.

Since old shadow maps and Non Lumen isn’t an option - i have to fiddle about with the direct lighting.

Was stranger still that 1 object attached to the head caused the hair to go completely black :confused: its as if the shadow casting is not calculated at the correct position :confused:

So far, the cure for it is turning OFF the deep shadow :confused:

What shadow type are you using?
Does it stick with the hair or does the hair move through it? Does it happen with any/all hair or is it specific to this character?
If you swap out your material to a default MH material does it still happen? Trying to see if this is a shadow or a bad material.

no change to the hair material, only the colour. But not sure if thats what is causing the problem. In id rather just have the colour or shadow accept ambient lighting. But i’ve been messing around with the material but i cant see anything that relates to Ambient occlusion!