Hair Groom Rendering Problem (strands against distant background)


There are some tips and tricks to the referenced topic available at the forum (thanks!) but nothing really solved my problem:

Hair strands in front of objects far away are rendered in a weird way. In front of near objects, more close (but not in) to the focus, are rendered perfect.

See pictures below:

The following settings I tried to solve the problem:

  • Activate “Cast Deep Shadow” at the light source

  • Activate “Cast Cinematic Shadow” at the hair groom

  • Anti-aliasing off → If somebody knows a solution to solve this issue I would be interested as well

And the following Console Variables:

r.MotionBlurQuality: 4
r.MotionBlurSeparable: 1
r.DepthOfFieldQuality: 4
r.BloomQuality: 5
r.Tonemapper.Quality: 5
r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination: 1
r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination.MaxBounces: 2
r.RayTracing.Reflections.MaxRoughness: 1
r.RayTracing.Reflections.MaxBounces: 2
r.RayTracing.Reflections.Shadows: 2
r.ScreenPercentage 200
r.TemporalAA.Upsampling 0
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.IntegrationType: 1
r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.SampleCount: 32
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelWorldSize: 0,15
r.HairStrands.Voxelization.Virtual.VoxelPageCountPerDim: 16
r.HairStrands.DOFDepth: 0
r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.SuperSampling: 1

Does anybody find a solution for this problem?

Thanks and best regards


Hello! Did U find the solution to this problem? Thanks!

r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius 0.003
Mb its not actual already) but…

still no success with this… reduces bokeh size of foreground elements but in my scene metahuman is middle foreground as its arm is in front

r.HairStrands.DOFDepth 1