Guard Spawners causing major lag on islands even when disabled

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Having any Guard/Creature/Wildlife spawner on your UEFN island causes major lag. The lag primarily happens when you try to place builds or bunkers and it doesn’t matter if the spawners are enabled or not. Deleting them from your island fixes the lag.

Steps to Reproduce

Place guard spawners on landscape and trying building

Expected Result

Game lags and building becomes almost impossible

Observed Result

Ping spikes to 150+ and game stutters



Can confirm this. On my map if I place just a single guard spawner with no setting changes, in a session when building across (bridging between sky islands), there’s a noticeable lag back every 5s or so.

The status of UCB-1142 incident has been moved from ‘Awaiting Validation’ to ‘Needs Triage’.