Guard spawner causes game to lag and high ping

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



So I have a singleplayer map. I have guard spawners in the map and everytime I start the map and try to build I have a huge delay and high ping. The ping goes down after I stop building and restarts if I start building again. I tested that if I delete the guard spawner the lag never occurs. Also the lag goes away after waiting for abuot 1 minute. I have tried everything, device settings, island settings, moving the spawner far away from everything else, disabling the device but nothing seemed to work only if I delete all of the guard spawners the lag stops. I don’t know what else to do and I would be glad if anyone could help me because other maps seem to work fine using these spawners and it is kind of interesting that the issue doesn’t happen for those maps.

Steps to Reproduce

I don’t know if you can reproduce it. We tried to place spawners in another project and it seemed to be fine. If you want, you can check out the problem on our map the code is: 0372-6228-0767. Once the game starts just cancel the language popup dialog and shoot the freebuild sign in front of you.

Expected Result

Normally you should be teleported to the freebuild section of the map and if you try to build there should be a huge delay while building and also your ping should go up.

Observed Result

I dont know what to put here



Island Code


Additional Notes

If anyone knows what we can do please let us know.

I’m experiencing this as well.

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I would like to report that I am also having issues with Guard Spawners.

I am aware that AI agents generally have a good bit of performance overhead, but I have wildlife scattered around the creative map that I am currently working on with no issues. However, I am getting large frame rate drops when being in an area with about 4 Guard Spawers. The discrepancy leads me to lend support to this Issue Report. Something about the Guard Spawners is causing a laggy bottleneck. Particularly when using more than 1 in a single area.

4 Wildlife Spawners within 100m: Almost no frame drop. Fortnite handles it like a champ.
5 Guard Spawners within 100m: Framerate TANKS when entering the area, but slowly recovers over about 40 seconds after entering the area.

Not sure what is up here, but definitely worth the UEFN/Creative team looking into. The Guard Spawners are doing something very inefficiently compared to the Wildlife Spawners.

The status of FORT-730217 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

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same issue,the servers are really bad,for every person in the island the ping increases by about 2-3ms