GSystemTextures.InitializeTextures never called in client game mode

Since version 4.18 there is an exception in “Client game mode” only. Not in Editor mode.

template< typename ShaderRHIParamRef, typename TRHICmdList >
void FSceneTextureShaderParameters::Set(
	TRHICmdList& RHICmdList,
	const ShaderRHIParamRef& ShaderRHI,
	const FSceneView& View,
	const EDeferredParamStrictness ParamStrictness,
	ESceneRenderTargetsMode::Type TextureMode,
	ESamplerFilter ColorFilter ) const
	FTextureRHIParamRef BlackDefault2D = GSystemTextures.BlackDummy->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture;
	FTextureRHIParamRef DepthDefault = GSystemTextures.DepthDummy->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture;

Since BlackDummy and DepthDummy are null an exception occurred.

I think you should test if null to avoid exception.

I modified the code to initialize the system textures to avoid this exception.

template< typename ShaderRHIParamRef, typename TRHICmdList >
void FSceneTextureShaderParameters::Set(
	TRHICmdList& RHICmdList,
	const ShaderRHIParamRef& ShaderRHI,
	const FSceneView& View,
	const EDeferredParamStrictness ParamStrictness,
	ESceneRenderTargetsMode::Type TextureMode,
	ESamplerFilter ColorFilter ) const
/** @remark:
 *	Since in client game mode the function to initialize system texture is never called
 *  The members BlackDummy and DepthDummy are null, check texture to avoid exception.
FTextureRHIParamRef BlackDefault2D = (GSystemTextures.BlackDummy != nullptr) ? GSystemTextures.BlackDummy->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture : nullptr;
FTextureRHIParamRef DepthDefault = (GSystemTextures.DepthDummy != nullptr) ? GSystemTextures.DepthDummy->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture : nullptr;
/** @remark: end of modification */

Now I don’t know why the system textures are not initialized in “client mode” and not in “editor mode”.


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Ok thank you.
I fill a bug report.

The problem seems to be linked to the fact the default game map is not loaded at client startup.

see: link text