Grouping Static Meshes

Hi, I’m creating a modular tile set for a designer and was wondering what the best way is to group assets?

I currently have dozens of floor, wall and ceiling pieces, but I want to create prefabs of corridors and corners so the designer can quickly flesh out the level.
For example, I have a four static meshes, two walls, a floor and a ceiling. What would be the best way to group these assets into one? Should I create a blueprint or is that used for something else?

Thanks in advance.

Select all the static mesh actors, then click merge actors on context menu.
Or just group them using Group menu on context menu.

Hi, thanks for your reply, but unfortunately neither of these solutions are suitable for what I need to do :frowning:
If I Group the static meshes, I can’t save them out to the content browser.
If I merge the static meshes, any updates I make to the meshes isn’t updated.

Is there any other way to group assets, save them out as prefabs that update on the fly?

I’m quite new to unreal, so if I’ve missed something, please let me know!

Thanks again.