Groom Hair + Scene Capture 2D Causes Blur Artifacts

I may have encountered a bug. I am using 5.3. If anyone knows a workaround or a way I can fix my issue that would be helpful. To reproduce the issue do the following:

  1. Put hair on a player character, or use a level with hair already on a moveable character. I used this tutorial:

  2. Create a render texture in the content folder and a scene capture 2D in the level.

  3. Assign the render texture to the scene capture camera 2D in the level and press play.

  4. Move the player character around.

  • Results: The hair looks blurry when the character is moved.

  • Expected results: The hair looks normal.

Here is an image of what it looks like without the scene capture 2D setup (normal):

Here is an image of what it looks like with the scene capture 2D setup (blurry):

Here is an video of what it looks like without the scene capture 2D setup (normal):

Here is an video of what it looks like with the scene capture 2D setup (blurry):

Again, any help would be appreciated. I tried many things, and nothing seemed to allow me to have normal looking hair and a scene capture 2D in the level.

I found a workaround. Instead of using a binding asset, I used a Parent Socket like discussed here:

I guess there is still a bug. If anyone knows how to continue using a binding asset instead, feel free to chime in.

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