Groom/Hair not rendering in reflections 4.27

Hi there, I have just one scene in the game where I’d really love to have a mirror. I’m using a Metahuman (they use Groom for hair), and I have planar reflection object, and although I am getting reflection, the hair is completely invisible. I assume Groom must have been around for a while, and there must be someone who knows how to make it appear in reflections.
I believe I’ve turned on ray tracing, and enabled visibility on the hair objects (to no avail).

UPD: Ported the project to 5.0.3 now, and same issue. If I force LOD 2, I do get reflections, but they disappear in a funny way about 2 meters away from the mirror (almost like the hair is getting stuck on the wall geo? And with LOD0 I get bald Billy, even with raytracing geo on (which also sometimes crashes my RTX).

With forced lod of 2 close to the mirror:

Far from the mirror:

Video to show what happens:

Did you ever manage to find a fix for this? I’m experiencing the same issue with metahuman Groom assets. Very frustrating.

Heya! Not, unfortunately this is still unresolved. Basically, if you have Lumen for Global Illumination and Reflections, you will get hair that half disappears, but is visible under certain angles. No amount of tweaking anything makes that any better.

If instead of Lumen you switch to…i think it’s called Screen Space (the one that says beta) will make the hair show up, but it makes it completely black.

The hair that kinda… shows up and collides with walls, I believe that was caused by the player camera, I don’t remember 100%, but check the collision. I remember I wanted to fix the camera going through walls (so you can kinda see outside the level), and fixing that also fixed the hair getting stuck on the wall.

The solution I am currently using until they fix their broken engine is faking the mirror by using the render to texture technique. There’s lots of tutorials on Youtube on how to make them, it’s basically another camera that will be streaming whatever it sees onto a texture, which can be a mirror (you might need to flip your UVs on the mirror’s model, you’ll see why once you implement it). I really hope they fix it, because I’m not looking forward to having my metahuman walk around any level with glass windows present xD
By the way, this issue has been present since 2020 apparently…

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Thanks so much for the response, I was really hoping there was going to be a simple fix. Ah well. Another one for the bug list!

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Still nobody solved the problem?

Not on my end, unfortunately.
I have seen they mention improvements to hair rendering in 5.3, but I am unable to merge my project from 5.1 to 5.3, so cannot confirm. Which version are you using?

Only disappears on the 2nd and above reflection bounce for me in 5.4.4, still annoying there doesn’t seem to be a fix for it