Grind Rails Incomplete

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Creating a map that uses grind rails. The grind rails were all added via UEFN and upon connecting the session, most of the grind rails in-game are incomplete/broken.

Steps to Reproduce

Fix incomplete grind rails based on UEFN

Expected Result

When UEFN session is connected, grind rails will be complete and working

Observed Result

Complete and working grind rails



I Faced the same issue in UEFN But it works when you edit it in the creative

Thought I was the only one, but I hope it gets fixed. I’m more comfortable editing in UEFN rather than in creative.

The status of FORT-730139 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

I am also having issue with grind rails.
Ok in UEFN but not in the right position in game. The only workaround is to duplicate tracks that aren’t in the right position while the game is actually running, positioning them in UEFN will position them correctly in game in creative. Also do all the editing in UEFN As deleting objects in creative may cause all your work to crash.