Hello, I have a strange problem when importing a skeletal mesh from an FBX file.
It appears to have “grey spots” on the face and I can’t figure out why (this happens even if it’s untextured).
I know it’s bad to talk about other software here, but unity imports the model/mesh fine.
I can not understand what is wrong, the model is from KH2 so I do not have control over UV/lightmaps.
I’ve attached a screenshot below.
Yeah, I’ve already tried it in a different project, and the game world/view has the same error. It is really strange.
I “made” it myself from KH2 models/animations. Here’s the FBX file for you.
Are you using the correct skeletal mesh import settings here Skeletal Import Pipeline? Obviously, most of this won’t apply, but scroll down. Read this one also: Skeletal Mesh Import Options. Needless to say, I have no problem importing any of my skeletal or static meshes into UE4.
If that exact mesh works just fine in Unity, but not in UE4, there either there’s an import option that needs to be changed or maybe just a visual glitch.
Try in a new project. Try putting it inside the Game world and seeing if you still see anything wrong.
Mind sharing that FBX? Or where you got it from?