Hello. I have no idea why this problem is showing. When i render my video on 320x240 it`s all fine, but when i try to render it on higher resolution like 640x480 and higher, the rendering is going fine but the end video is showing green screen. I have all drivers updated for my GTX 550 TI and all windows updates. I will post some images so you can have a better clue of what i am talking about.
I’m also having the same problem, just curious, but do you have steam enabled in your project?
It seems to be related to compression. I just did my first video render a few minutes ago, running into this problem and unchecking “use compression” seems to be the only way to get around that - at the cost of extremely blown up video size.
Trying to enter other codecs (unfortunately, it is not a dropdown box with available codecs) did not help. Uncompressed rendering blows up the file size extremely, so it might be ok for very short videos. I now render to a sequence of jpg files as workaround and convert these to mp4 using ffmpeg.
Hmm interesting, i’ll have to try that out to see if that fixes on my end too. I’d never have thought to change the compression size.
Sorry for late response. Since i am new in the engine, i have no idea about the steam being enabled or not, would you like to point where should i look to check that info?
Thanks for the replay guys. I`ll try to render new video now with “use compression” unchecked.
Yea, it looks like “use compression” has to be unchecked, thank you. I can view my video now on higher resolution. Does that means that i have to unchek it on longer videos too?
I would probably guess so, or you can go the same route that herb64 has gone and just rendered the video to jpg files and then convert them to a .mp4 that way to make the size better. Me personally haven’t tried that method out yet, but who knows