Hi, there is a weird texturing behavior that I don’t understand when using Foliage painting a lawn: when I navigate through the scene it doesn’t render the distant grass correctly. The nearby blades of grass seem correct and then suddenly become very clear (and when I move the dividing line moves forward or backwards) Has anyone ever encountered the same problem and managed to understand why it does it?
Hi MeshLibrary,
It’s the last LOD of the grass - you can either 1) convert the grass to nanite, 2) remove the last LOD on the grass mesh 3) move that LOD’s ScreenSize value so it appears way off in the distance or sometimes 4) change the material of the last LOD to be the same as LOD0 rather than the Billboard material.
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wow … thanks a lot RecourseDesign … I’m new to unreal and I had been struggling for weeks for this … Thank you again !
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