Grass not blending with the landscape on hills (RVTs are enabled)

Hello everyone, i am currently working on my first stylized environment . The grass is working fine on flat surfaces

but on hills its not blending with the RVTs. It just goes dark.

Here are the landscape and grass materials

Just ignore the disconnected ones, i was trying something.

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Thereā€™s too much thatā€™s incorrect to even start.
You donā€™t just add colors.

Explain why your normal needs a two sided sign.

Your wind makes even less sense.

Specular/roughness are also incorrect, even if maybe they achieve the desired goal based on art direction.
Grass shouldnā€™t be completely rough.
And really, both sould be parameters so that the instances can be adjusted.

I think the color change could be the normal more so than the base color, but really, the whole thing needs to be re-thought after gaining some basic material knowledge.

Try the learn tab, there used to be a few OK courses on how colors work, mostly in the post processing realm, but the idea is the same.

Yeah i am fairly new to the engine i followed some tutorials and got to know about some nodes and how they work but i am a noob
I started this project to learn more about the engine
Please at least tell me what is it that i am doing wrong
I worked really hard on this one i donā€™t want to leave it unfinished

Colors donā€™t ā€œaddā€.

What 1 plus 1?
Is that a valid color range?

Easiest way to change a color is to lerp the new one onto it on a desaturated texture as alpha.

Hardest way would be doing the math to shift the hue of the underlying texture.

You just need to find and follow some better tutorials to learn the basics is all.

Revisit the material after you do so, and things will be a bit clearer/maybe even simpleā€¦

I fixed it! It was a very easy fix

I just scaled my ā€˜Colorā€™ RVT Volume in the z axis

Thanks for nothing.

I seriously doubt your lack of knowledge on materials is going to help you be any less of a confused artist, but whatever man.
Glad you think you fixed the issue.

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