Grapple Blade is removed from the player inventory after using the Changing Booth.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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The Grapple Blade gets deleted from the player inventory when using the Changing Booth and swapping skins.

Steps to Reproduce

-Place and Item Spawner or Vending Machine, put a Grapple Blade in it.
-Place a Changing Booth.
-Start game.
-Grab the Grapple Blade.
-Enter Changing Booth and change your skin.
-Exit Changing Booth.

Expected Result

The Grapple Blade should remain in the player inventory after using the Changing Booth.

Observed Result

The Grapple Blade is removed after using the Changing Booth.



We’re taking a look, @ozycreates!

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Update: It seems the Grapple Blade is also removed sometimes when players get eliminated.