First off, I’d like to credit @Astrotronic and especially @Suthriel for their helpful answers regarding implementing gradient in this question.
That said, I noticed that the gradient does not flow in a custom object I made, as opposed to the default object:
Here is the gradient, as @Suthriel taught me how to do so:
Why isn’t the gradient moving across the custom built rectangular mesh, but only along the default quartercircle mesh? I would like the gradient to move like the my custom mesh in the same way. Thanks
Sounds like a UV problem, can you show the UVs of the custom mesh?
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When I built this in blender, I didn’t do any UV mapping of this.
That’s the problem then. If you look at the UVs on the other mesh, it’s evenly populated with the UV grid. I assume your custom mesh does not have that.
Just try a cube projection, and then re-import.
Ok. What do you mean, cube projection?
Thanks, this was helpful, I’ll try this.
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I did try a UV mapping, but the gradient flow was misaligned. The top part flowed forward, and the rest, backwards.
How do I get the gradient to flow in a single direction, like the default quartercircle? How do I UV map to achieve this? This is the current UV map:
Ok, then you need to get better at UVs 
That’s how you tell it how to move the material.
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