GPU Profiler question

I’m using the ProfileGPU command, and I want to understand more of what these things mean, mainly:

Static EBasePassDrawListType=0

As they are the most costly looking things going on. I couldn’t find this info anywhere in the documentation, so I unless I missed it somewhere, can anyone help me out on what these mean?


I’m having the same pain points. I don’t see anything in the documentation either.

In a level with ~2M tris (15 fps) my PrePass Opaque is 18+ ms, BasePass ListType=0 is 21+ ms.

In a similar level with only 112K tris (119 fps), the PrePass Opaque is 1.36 ms, and BasePass ListType=0 is 1.32 ms.

From my comparison, it seems that these numbers are related to the rendering of triangles. Keep in mind, a different pair of levels, with a smaller difference in tris (105K tris vs. 305K tris), have similar PrePass and BasePass numbers.

Check your tris with [stat rhi]

The reason for the edits is that I’m having this issue: FPS Drop In Viewport When an Editor Window Is Visable - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums