Hey there i have a particle system that uses gpu sprites to make some sparks that are on a short delay, in all editors,(cascade, character bp, etc) the particle effect works perfect but when in PIE the gpu sprites stop emitting after 5 seconds playing and wont generate again after that. I tried using a different particle effect that uses gpu sprites and get the same error. already tried using automatic bounds set bounds and auto updating bounds and nothing seems to work. also there’s a mesh emitter inside the particle effect and that works fine its just the gpu sprites that do not work.
Check the required node, maybe you enabled delay accidentally.
i do have a delay, it works almost exactly the same as your flaming arrow effect with the sparks coming after the impact, i also have a few rain emitters in my level and i’m wondering if there is a draw limit on gpu sprites in a level because the effect works on a gray box map that i have but its only my final level that is giving me issues, will post a video when i get home in a couple hours and upload the uassets
unless you are shooting out 1m gpu particles that shouldnt be a problem.
I’ll await the video. suggestion: show every module, that makes it easier for me to spot mistakes
hey sorry havent been able to upload anything, finals week >.<, but what i have been able to check is that the effect works perfectly fine in a blank level no matter who long you wait to cast the spell or how many times you cast it
Hey Luos, so I managed to get it figured out. I was spawning waaaaaaay too many gpu sprites, I have a rain particle using GPU sprites and I wasn’t taking into account how many sprites were actually spawning OVER TIME, so I let my particle system run for a few seconds got the sprite count and multiplied to find I had well over a million gpu sprites going at all times lol.
TL;DR I did some math and fixed some ■■■■
thanks for the help sometimes its good to have someone to bounce ideas off of
Emilio “Pariah” Carrillo
whoops forgot to hit post lol, so it ended up being that i was spawning too many gpu sprites from my rain particle system, because I wasn’t thinking about how many sprites would be on screen over the lifetime of the I was only taking in to consideration the spawn.