GPU lightmass with HDRI causing images to glow

Was wondering if anyone could help with an issue regarding GPU lightmass with a hdri backdrop. I’ve been testing out using the GPU lightmass and impressed with it’s speed and really keen to use it but issues arise with pretty much all my materials using different roughness values. Here I have a chrome material that glows when trying to use the GPU lightmass. The roughness is set to 5 as it needs to be shiny…

Here it is a a value of 1.9

and here it is at 1.7, no longer glowing but no longer looking anything like chrome.

This happens with pretty much all my materials and different values are needed to stop them glowing but then the materials no longer look correct. Has anyone else had this issue? It seems to be only with Hdri as the sun and sky system seems to stop the glowing but the general lighting with the Hdri looks alot better and am keen to use it still. Thanks

Actually it also happens with the sun and sky system not just the HDRI.

You put a light just under the lamp. The material takes its reflection. You should put a downward pointing light or something there. Because the point light also shines up and makes the chrome pop. Pure white light is reflected directly on it. The problem is with the lighting.