Gpu lightmass looks great but terrain way darker then static meshes

again… thats not the issue here. THe terrain bakes the correct colors with a “bake what you see” mode. Here is a screenshot of that. And to illustrate there are other issues in the scene… here is a room where bake all makes almost every light in the room not contribute… as though there is something invisible blocking hte light. See the comparison shots for that one as well bake all vs bake what u see. (again works fine with bake what u see) In fact that edge of the light in the screen shot… is not in fact the edge of the light. The light that is seen there should extend beyond that hard dark line. Nothing is occluding the light but it is behaving as though something is in full bake mode. Also i can increase those lights to 100000000 lumens and u still wont see them. Its not a brightness issue when the problem occurs. It just literally doesnt let the lights contribute to certain areas. Almost a box like pattern for certain areas…

That being said i have had fluke occurences where bake what u see also stops working and i get the result of full bake. Its all a strange bug and im not sure what i to do about it. As i said in a previous level i just set "r.PathTracing.LightGridMaxCount 9999 " and that seemed to do the trick … but for this level it is not.