GPU Lightmass - Lights have noise

Hello! So I’ve been baking my lights with GPU Lightmass, it seems to works fine but I get a lot of noise in the lights after I bake them.

The project was previously in Lumen, but I changed it because I wanted to get better results and faster rendering because I have to make videos from it.

I desactivates Lumen setting the Global Illumination and reflections to none.

I also write this command in the console : ```
r.RayTracing.ForceAllRayTracingEffects 0

I’ve worked in previous projects in the past and when I baked the lights they looked sharped and nice, so I don’t know why this is happening.

I would be so grateful if someone knows the answer!!! Thank you in advance

Hi @felipearr88 ,
The denoise is set as below you need to enable GPU Lightmass plugin.
Turning off Ray tracing makes it more difficult/impossible.

This picture comes from my 5.4 binary version posting

Could you share an image of what you mean?

Have you tried turning off “compress lightmaps”? You will get a higher quality bake at the cost of larger file sizes.