Hey guys, Im deferring to the masters for this very general question. Basically, Im hoping that someone can just point me in the right direction. Im not really looking for a definitive answer. That would be too much to ask.
Here’s the deal - UE game in early alpha. Local game runs fine. Online doesnt. GPU clocks throttle down way below my 2d profile. FPS is low. CPU usage is what I expect for UE so Ive ruled out a bottle neck (or at least not a serious one). I have tested this on the following rigs with the same problem (varying degrees but still not running as it should)
Rig 1 Specs
AMD FX 8350 @5.2ghz
16gb RAM Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866mhz
2x MSI Lightning r9 290x
Rig 2 Specs
32gb RAM Crucial Ballistix DDR4
1x Titan X Black
When launching the game (an online multiplayer) it uses anywhere from 6-7.5gb of RAM. CPU usage varies (obviously) AMD is chugging along around 40% while the i7 barely breaks a sweat. AMD card (since crossfire is disabled) throttles the clocks down to 50% of the 3d profile that I have set and only uses 40-50% of that clock. The titan x only throttles down about 30% and uses the correct percentage of the core clocks. Naturally FPS takes a wicked hit.
However, running the game locally everything runs as expected. Clocks stay at their correct settings, gpu usage stays 99%, FPS is great.
Ive tried tweaking the .ini’s but a lot of changes dont seem to either be taking effect or are being ignored or overridden. For example:
The original values were set at 22 and 122. Ive set them higher to match my refresh rate and to try and get a higher min FPS. However, I noticed that there was no “bSmoothFrameRate=” setting before this. I tried adding it before it and it doesnt seem to work. Does this need to be in the editor ini as well? Also, do those same two commands have to be also need to be in the renderer settings as well?
Ive tried disabling anything that I know of that affects performance. But my knowledge is limited to certain post-processing settings, objectpools, et al; the simple things that everyone in pc gaming gets to know very fast.
Where should I be looking for further experimentation? Is there a UE for dummies section for someone like me who isnt actually involved in the project but can easily find a good list of tips? I have a ton of questions like the one specific one above. But I dont want to use the answer portal to push more important questions out of the way.