"Goto defintion" option for BP nodes does nothing

So I was told that you can search for C++ function equivalents of Blueprint nodes if you right-click a blueprint node and choose “Goto Definition” (only works for C++ projects).

So I made a fresh new C++ project to test this out. Made a dummy blueprint and added a node to test but when I click “Goto Definition” nothing happens.

A little pop up window pops up in the bottom right corner saying “Reading C++ Symbols” and after that nothing happens.


I opened up my VS 2017 window to see if some .h or .cpp file opened up but nope… nothing.

Am I using this feature wrong or is this a bug? Help!

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Same thing is happening to me

Hi Schytheron (and Molo48),

This is because you are using a launcher-installed version of the engine. The source-baked paths for those versions will not correspond to where you have the engine installed (unless that happens to be D:/++Build/UE4/Sync). However, it will work for any blueprint-exposed functions you create.

It is kind of a tedious workaround, but there is a way for you to view the source for a built-in Blueprint function. Using “Predict Projectile Path by TraceChannel” as an example, if you hover over the node in the editor you will see at the bottom of the tooltip what the target is. For that node, the target is “Gameplay Statics.” If you then open GameplayStatics.h (located in %EngineInstallDir%/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Kismet), you can see that the function Blueprint_PredictProjectilePath_ByTraceChannel has the display name of the node we’re looking for. You can then open GameplayStatics.cpp (located in %EngineInstallDir%/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private) to find that function and view its source.


Too shame this problem happened since 4.17 and still not be solved, even in 4.21.2.
Before 4.17 everything’s okay, you can easily “goto definition” in launcher-installed version.
Do Epic has any solutions for this in the future?


There is an easy way. Taking this “Hide Bone by Name” blueprint node as an example:


Go to you code editor and go to the “Find in files” feature:
(Screenshot example with Rider here, but Visual Studio also has this feature in Menu bar → Edit → Find and Replace → Find in Files)

Finally TYPE the name of the function as seen in the blueprint node but WITHOUT SPACES
(The Blueprint Node displays spaces between the words of the function to make things look nice)

The search results of the Find in Files feature reveals the whereabouts in the C++ Unreal library :wink:

Double click the line in the search result that matches what you are looking for and it will open the file in question revealing the full path.
Now you can include the .h file in your code and call the function :wink:


The location has been updated in UE 4.26 to:

The Goto Definition is broken for me. how do I update/change it to: D:\Build++UE4\Sync

you can either build the engine yourself, OR you can move the launcher-installed engine to that folder. You’ll have to create a D: drive in your PC and also rename the folder where the engine got installed to “Sync”. The Sync folder is the one that should contain the folders Engine, FeaturePacks, Samples, and Templates. Here’s what it should look like (I have the source-built engine so mine might look a bit different):


I cant get it to work. i make a link in d:\Build++UE4\ named Sync to my unreal engine directory. and nothing happens if i click “go to definition”. not even visual studio is showing up.
can anybody give me an advice?

The location has been updated in UE 4.26 to:

Also, I meant to write:

but one of the back slashes got deleted due to the text formatting here

Do we need to just copy the system folder UE_4.26 and rename Sync?
Can’t get it to work.


Still not fixed… Really?

I can confirm that on the launcher installed version 4.26.2, this is not fixed. But on 4.27.2, it is fixed. Thank you Epic!

I solved it like this:

Check Editor symbols from Epic Launcher
Unreal Engine drop down → Options → Editor symbols for debugging.


MoltoProvvisorio’s answer should be the accepted answer as it actually solves the problem.

Still not works even in UE5, WOW

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That worked for me, thank you!

umm on 5.3.2, and doesn’t work for me…

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This is a reply to OP’s original question on reddit since it’s been archived: https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/9gkjh7/how_do_i_look_up_c_function_equivalents_of/

How do I look up C++ function equivalents of Blueprint nodes?

The quickest way I’ve found is to copy the Blueprint node and paste it into a text editor.

For example here’s a node I copied:

Begin Object Class=/Script/BlueprintGraph.K2Node_CallFunction Name="K2Node_CallFunction_11" ExportPath="/Script/BlueprintGraph.K2Node_CallFunction'/IslandGenerator/Spawner/BP_Spawner.BP_Spawner:EventGraph.K2Node_CallFunction_11'"
End Object

I omitted some of the output, but what you’re looking for is the line starting with “FunctionReference” which will point you to the C++ class and method in this case NavigationSystemV1::GetNavigationSystem.