I followed this tutorial, and I got everything working, but now I’m trying to get everyone to be able to re-enter the lobby, so they can play another match : https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gYqSlbGQVKsRg6fpxWndZqZ/abmzWUWxy1U/index.html
I am having an Issue where I am able to use servertravel to move the host and connected players from my Lobby to the gameplay level. However when trying to servertravel back to the Lobby everyone but the host disconnects back to the Main Menu. The Host is then back in the Lobby, however it would seem the session is gone, as trying to Destroy Session does not work.
This is on the Lobby Widget:
This is where the host (who is able to travel back to the Lobby menu) cannot leave by destroying session. It calls on Failure and Debugs out Failed To Leave Session.
This is on the Lobby GameMode:
This is when the Host launches the game, and everyone is able to correctly travel to either the First or Second gameplay arena.
This is on the Gameplay GameMode:
This is called when the Host presses the Return To Lobby button when the victory screen shows. This is when only the host travels back to the Lobby, and everyone else tries, and is stuck loading, until finally they are dropped back in the Main Menu.
This is how I am creating the Session in the first place, on the Game Instance:
This all seems to work well, I even tried to call this for the Host when going back to lobby, but then they still get the issue of not being able to destroy the session like before.