Hello! It’s kinda newbie question but could the Rift export also work with that cardboard Google showed at it’s latest I/O?
The cardboard is actually just an extension of an android device, so you would have to package for android.
There are a few fixes we need to make to the mobile rendering pipeline to fix up the support that would allow you to do user VR on Android. We plan on performing that work over the next few weeks. After that, you should be able to make it work with Google Cardboard
Good to know! Looking forward to the development regarding this. Its an interesting deveopment specially in the future together with chromeexperiments and WebGL. Even thou performance will be limited in the begin…
hi nick, pretty excited about this! do you have any kind of specs or guidelines or stuff to take into account for embedding this VR into the project. we wish to carry on with the development while you guys have this ready. thanks!
Any news about this, We have tested and developed apps with Durovis Dive and Unity. And it works flawless and is very cool! Would love to see easy to use tracking and Split camera rendering in UE4
Awesome, I was wondering about this myself, I want to put my VR audiobook player on Android.
Just found news about Zeiss making it’s own mobile VR solution that’s apparently based on google’s cardboard. One that looks like Gear VR.
It looks like GearVR but doesn’t have the features. It’s not going to be pleasant enough to use to bother targeting, IMO. Without latency and accuracy optimized trackers (GearVR has trackers in the holder, so doesn’t use the phone’s like VROne) as well as an optimized software base (to reduce the built in 1-2 frame latency of Android), it will be pretty unpleasant for most users.
GearVR is probably the best/only bet for targeting mobile VR right now, until other offerings get past the slapped-together but ultimately not very good Google Carboard approach.
Is there any new info about UE4 support for Google Cardboard?
Hi there! I am also very interested in this topic and would like to know if there is any news about it?
Looks like unity now supports it. My company is looking into developing for cardboard. Hopefully this is ready by the time we have to make a decision on what engine to use.
Any news on this topic?
Any Update?
I’m also wondering if it’s possible to develop using UE4, i don’t wanna jump to Unity just yet.
How about collaborative work?
If more people are interested in this, it should be possible to figure out a decent setup until we see native support for google’s cardbaord. I played around with it a little and at least managed to project my views on two planes. Now I’m struggling with the gyro sensor and lens correction or distortion or whatever it is called correctly. My sources so far are these:
I didn’t spent much time on this but it should be possible. But there are lots of unanswered questions like:
- how to get motion data from the device
- how to apply the distortion on the projection matrix
- how to handle different device resolutions (since the render targets use fixed dimensions, which are device dependent)
- and possibly more things…
So if you guys are interested, let’s try to fix it out together!
With this you can get motion data from iOS and Android devices: Accelerometer / Gyroscope support iOS/Andoid - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums
Any news on this ?
I have project at work (need to build a working prototype in 2 weeks…), and I really,really don’t want to go Unity3D way (been there before).
I have managed to enable stereo on desktop, but I need it for mobile iOS/Android.
May be by now Epic fixed enough and somebody made a working plugin/solution for UE?
I would be really grate news that it’s possible to do Google cardboard in UE4.
it is possible to do all the things that the cardboard api would do.
I’m able to use UE with android and doing VR.
For input use “Get input motion state”. Use Tilt for up/down and rotation rate for left/right
I did a “fake” stereo (but it works) view this way :
- set splitscreen options to vertical
- on start trigger an event which creates a 2. player
- remove collision from 1 player (in my case a pawn / fps template)
- create a blueprint which apply all movement and rotation done by the first player also to the 2. player (its simple in blueprints connect 2. player controller)
- additional you need to move your second player (right eye) i little bit to right (slightly different view)
Thats a fast description how i did it.
It works pretty well on my S5.
I also noticed if you enable the GearVR plugin but don’t enable the GearVR mode in the manifest it loads your app in VR mode, that might end up using a more efficient rendering path
This is only possible if you build UE from source, isn’t it ?