Google Auth for mobile game

Hello, I got backend with already working setup, and I wrote a frontend to get the code from google OAuth2 and my backend change this code to token that I use for auth. The question is how to make OAuth2 authentication for my Unreal ENgine mobile game?
I mean for example I got can get this link:
FString AuthURL = “Sign in - Google Accounts”;
AuthURL += “?client_id=” + ClientID;
AuthURL += “&redirect_uri=” + RedirectURI;
AuthURL += “&response_type=code”;

And then open it in browser for current platform:

FPlatformProcess::LaunchURL(*AuthURL, nullptr, nullptr);

But for frontend I got my redirect_uri and callback function to get “code” from google response, how can I get back to my Unreal ENgine game from external browser with response from google with “code” and how to handle callback function in Unreal Engine?

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Hey Did you find anything on this ?

Would like to do the same with AWS Cognito. Did you find the way for the callback? or any kind of documentation?

Any updates here?