Google Analytics Measurement Protocol - cross-platform plugin (desktop/consoles supported)




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Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is a plugin for Unreal Engine that adds support for Google Analytics, using a native cross-platform implementation of the Measurement Protocol. The plugin doesn’t require any third-party dependency and it’s compatible with all the platforms supported by Unreal Engine (including desktop and consoles). It’s also a provider for the standard In-Game Analytics system of Unreal Engine.

Video Tutorial
Documentation and API


Discord server:

The plugin supports advanced features like automatic instrumentation, that automatically logs key events and user sessions without the need of any specific code. Simply enable and configure the plugin, and you’ll start to receive key usage data of your game/application. The simple API then provides all you need to log custom events and detailed purchase transactions.

The plugin is also a provider for the standard In-Game Analytics system of Unreal Engine.


Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: All

NOTE: This product is not made by, or affiliated with, Google Inc in any way.



Hi everyone! The plugin is now available in the marketplace, you can get it here:

We hope you’ll log many events with your games :slight_smile:

Hi! We launched an official Discord server dedicated to all of our plugins .

If you’re using the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol plugin, join the server to be informed of updates and special offers, in addition to have a quick and preferred channel to chat with us:

Discord server:

As part of the UE Marketplace Black Friday, some of our plugins are :fire: 30% OFF :fire: now through December 3:


:arrow_right: MULTIWORLD


Remember to join our Discord server for other news:

Hi! Hot-fix version 1.0.1 of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is now available in the UE Marketplace.


Version 1.0.1

Bug fixes:

  • The LoadingPhase of the plugin is now set to Default. This works around an Unreal Engine bug when Playing-In-Editor in Standalone mode: the Game Instance is initialized before than usual, causing possible references to plugins loaded at PostEngineInit to fail to be resolved.
  • Viewport size is logged only if valid. During the BeginPlay event, Unreal Engine reports a wrong viewport size of 0x0.

Hi! Hot-fix version 1.0.2 of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is now available in the UE Marketplace. Restart the Epic Games Launcher to download the new version.


Version 1.0.2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed crash when exit a non-shipping build;
  • Fixed a compilation warning when building on consoles;
  • System attributes can now be processed by custom Event Attributes Filters.

Discord server:

Version 1.1.0 is now available.

New features:

  • Added the method UGoogleAnalyticsMPStatics::GetAttributesFilter(). You can use it to retrieve the used Event Attributes Filter object and customise its properties (
  • PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles appear now as valid Operating Systems on Google Analytics reports; other consoles are not currently detected by Google Analytics and appear with a not set value. If you need them, we suggest to use a custom Event Attributes Filter to inject a Custom Dimension labelled with the string returned by GetPlatformName().

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed double url-encoding of system attributes.
  • Some settings were cached and not updated on PIE sessions.

Discord server: UNAmedia - Unreal Engine plugins

v.1.1.1 - Unreal Engine 5.0 is now supported

Hi Version 1.1.1 of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is now available. It adds support for Unreal Engine 5.0!

The update is available for UE4.26, UE4.27, UE5.0.


Version 1.1.1

New features:

  • Unreal Engine 5 is now supported (UE5.0).

Bug fixes:

Discord server

v.1.1.2 - Hotfix

Hi! Version 1.1.2 of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol is now available for UE4.26, UE4.27 and UE5.0.


Version 1.1.2

Bug fixes:

  • Added fallback when required project settings are missing, not resulting anymore in lost logged events.

Discord server

Hey @UNAmedia
Since Universal Analytics is no longer supported soon, will I be able to use the Plugin with a Google Analytics 4-Property?


Hi! The Universal will be supported until July 2023. As explained in the product description, our intent is to provide a version of the plugin supporting Google Analytics 4. But this depends on when Google will release a version of the Measurement Protocol for GA4 suitable for this purpose. At the moment, the protocol provided by Google has some severe limitations. We reported them to Google and we hope they’ll release an update of the protocol in the near future.

Hi everyone! Today we’re very happy to share a collaboration with the team of Google Cloud’s Immersive Stream for XR, on how to log usage data to Google Analytics from an Unreal Engine application running on their Linux-based cloud streaming service. The solution is of course based on our Google Analytics Measurement Protocol plugin.

Here the complete video tutorial, that covers also Custom Dimensions and custom reports:

The sample project source code is available on GitHub:

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Google Analytics Measurement Protocol plugin is now available also for UE5.1 in the UE Marketplace!

You can update it from the Epic Games Launcher (restart it if the update is not listed).

Google Analytics Measurement Protocol participates to the UE Marketplace Back Friday sale! Get it now: Google Analytics Measurement Protocol in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Hello! We published an article about the State of GA4 and our plugin in our Knowledge Base:

If you like to discuss about it, write here or join our Discord server.

We would like to use your plugin to collect the detailed stats for our Android game, which we also plan to release on Apple. The game uses Unreal Engine 4.27.2. Our concern is whether the plugin will work properly with this new API32 NDK 21 and will have no compatibility issues with Android 12 + and whether it is planned to have support for Unreal Engine 5.2 and the upcoming API 33.

Hi! The plugin has no third-party dependencies, it’s a native implementation that uses only the Unreal Engine APIs. So it works on any platform supported by Unreal Engine.

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Hello everyone! The update of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol for UE5.2 has been submitted to Epic for review on May 20th, it will be available as soon as Epic will approve it. We’ll post an updated when the new version will be available.

Version for UE5.2 is now available

Hello everyone! Google Analytics Measurement Protocol for UE5.2 is now available in the UE Marketplace. You can install it from the Epic Games Launcher.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Hello! We’re happy to announce that we’ve a first working integration of our plugin with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)! :tada:

In the next weeks we’ll provide more details, but for sure it will be a free update for all the existing customers!