good build on windows, No such file or directory on mac /Intermediate/Mac/Stubs/arm64/UnrealEditor-*.dylib

My company’s 5.3.2 project has been compiling perfectly on Windows. However when I try to compile it on mac (Mac Studio 2023 M2Max Ventura 13.5 XCode 14.3.1), I get several errors for missing files:
no such file or directory: MyProjectDirectory/Intermediate/Mac/Stubs/arm64/UnrealEditor-Slate.dylib
no such file or directory: MyProjectDirectory/Intermediate/Mac/Stubs/arm64/UnrealEditor-UMG.dylib
no such file or directory: MyProjectDirectory/Intermediate/Mac/Stubs/arm64/UnrealEditor-Core.dylib
and several more. In fact there is an error for every Public/Private dependency in my *.Build.cs files.

There are no other errors in the build log.
It does warn me about a circular dependency, but this is perfectly fine on windows.
Does anybody know what causes this?

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I had exactly this issue, just in 5.4.2 - including the circular dependency warning that I’d previously been ignoring.

Your post made me suspicious so I spent a couple of hours resolving the circular dependency, and that fixed the problem.

So, I’d suggest the best fix is to resolve your circular dependency.