Hello I am trying to follow a tutorial (Electrical Bubble Shield - UE4 VFX Cascade Tutorial - YouTube) to make a simple particle that shows a translucent color with electric lightning effect, however I am not getting the same result.
I did a texture on gimp and saved to tga (didn’t compress), I am wondering if its a problem with my texture itself, can someone point me out on the right direction?
This is how it looks the particle on my editor:
And this is how it looks on the tutorial:
As you can see there is a blue glowing effect around the those lightnings, I double checked every particle emitter setting that is made on the tutorial and I am following it right.
So I guess its my texture for those lightnings, I just made a transparent background and used the brush on normal with color white and using different sizes.
Here is the texture I made on gimp: https://easyupload.io/o8oqxq
Can please someone just point me out what I should look into, in order to be able to have the same effect, is it the texture material I made or something else I am not considering?
I notice that on the tutorial he has the Detail Mode Bitmask set to (LOW) while on mine is set to Mixed Flags, can that be the issue here? I tried changing to LOW however when I do it, it says complete on that black rendering screen and nothing shows up.