Global Vector Field with niagara?

hey,i am doing something with niagara but it seems that niagara does not has a Global Vector Field like what cascade do,i just do not know how to activate it.


in cascade,add global vector fields and it can work,however,how could it be in cascade instead of adding a local vector field?

Now i ve gotton the answer


I was wondering if this old question has been solved.
I am interested in applying several global vector fields to the same particle system in Niagara.
Besides, I realised that if the particle system is not place inside the vector field volume, it takes no effect on particles.
I was looking for a method to place several vector fields in a scene and the particles being pushed by the forces as they pass through. And the possibility to add effects of two or more overlapping vector fields.
I’ve found no answer to that.
Any guidance or ideas will be very welcome.


I haven’t used them yet, but I do know you can have up to four vector fields in a Niagara emitter. There’s an ‘Apply Vector Field’ module that can be added to the particle update section in the stack. They can probably be overlapped but I don’t know for sure.