Global namespace already contains definition

I am having issues compiling the WhatsMyPublicIP plugin for 4.23.1 using VS2019 – The file can be found here:

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (Multi:ASTC,PVRTC,DXT,ATC,ETC2,ETC1a,ETC1)): d:\VRShooter\Plugins\WhatsMyPublicIP-ue4-plugin-master\Source\WhatsMyPublicIP\WhatsMyPublicIP.Build.cs(6,7) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'WhatsMyPublicIP'

I need this plugin to be working as soon as possible, so I’d really appreciate a response.

Make sure that you don’t have any duplicates of the plugin or it’s source files in your project/engine plugins.

For example you may have the plugin already installed in the engine plugins and another copy installed in your project’s plugins folder.

I’m pretty sure that I don’t have duplicates, but I’ll need to double check. Are there any other solutions?

This is just a hunch without my PC on hand, but make sure your actual project name isnt identical to the plugin name. Since the project also defines a module if you are using C++ and could be causing a clash.