The video shows volumetric clouds near the equator. In the directional sunlight the function “cast cloud shadows” is enabled. The sky r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT is also enabled (disabling it fixes it bug tanks the performance). The cloud shadows on the atmosphere seem to change erratically depending on the camera angle.
SebHillaire answered in another threat. The shadows are designed to work only ontop of the planet, (though they also seem to work fine on the south pole too)
I got a fix for this and another bug that happens with planets.
If it’s not urgent for your Epic has made a bug report to fix the SkyAtmosphere Cloud Shadows and the Ambient Light for planets, which eventually be fixed in Vanilla UE estimated for 5.7 (probably in a year).
To fix the SkyAtmosphere Cloud Shadows for planets:
In SkyAtmosphere.usf, on lines 672 and 711, the comments mention using the inverse of the LocalReferential, but proceed to use the LocalReferential without inverting it. Using the inverse fixes the shadows around the planet. So my simple fix would be this:
And in the SkyAtmosphereRendering.cpp add the ViewUniformBuffer to the input parameters of the FRenderDistantSkyLightLutCS, so we can get the camera position.