Glitching Mesh when using MorphTarget

Hi guys,

I have a little/big issue, my morph targets Flickers/Glitches when morphed.

I have followed a lot of tutorials and read some topics but I couldn’t find how to resolve this issue.

I imported from 3DS as FBX put all checks on Animations, Deformations, Skins, and Morphs.
Then into unreal, I checked “Skeletal Mesh” “Import Morph Target” and “Morph target material” in the material section.

When morphing the Mesh starts flickering/glitching.
I tried the same mesh into Unreal “Content Example” in Level “Morph Target” and it works perfectly, no glitching no flickering.

I have checked the difference between my projects and Unreal projects and they have the same settings and the same plugins.

In the video, u can see how on the left side of the screen (my project) the mesh starts glitching when morphed.
On the left side, the same mesh instead works perfectly.

Things I tried:

  • Deselect “Create Physical Assets”
  • Import the mesh into the Unreal project and reimport it into my project
  • Delete all and reimport all
  • Remodelling Mesh and Reimport

2022-09-19 17-43-33.mkv (4.0 MB)
