Hi There, for some reason the glass railing on the buildings i’m making disappears when i move the camera further away. The building itself doesn’t, only the glass railing. how can i fix this? Is it something to do with the LOD’s?
Would love to hear from you,
Yes, that will be LODs. You either need to change the LOD distance ( static mesh editor ), or it might be the material changes on the higher LODs.
which setting is it that you’re referring to? @ClockworkOcean
I have added no LOD’s, and i think im on LOD0 regardless of the distance i’m viewing it at.
On the left i put the static mesh settings, and on the right in the detail panels there are other settings.
Would really appreciate it if you could walk me through the process!!
Kind regards,
If you uncheck ‘custom’ here, how many LODs do you get when you use the LOD pulldown?

( it usually says ‘LOD Auto’ there )
@ClockworkOcean i get none. it only says “auto LOD” and no pulldown menu appears.
Ok, I’m thinking it’s because its a translucent material then. There’s probably a setting somewhere…
Try changing the material to M_Glass. It’s in the starter content…
It could also be your scalability setting. I see it’s on medium.
@clockworkocean Hi, do you know which specific setting you’re talking about?
it’s not the scalablity settings. tried setting it on low and cinematic, there is no difference to the glass clipping problem.
it’s probably also not the material problem; i made this project twice, first time last week (and with the first project (5.1) this problem doesn’t happen…
Did you try changing the material?
I just tried changing the material to a brick (solid) material, and the railing stops disappearing! what now? 
Try a simple glass material, like M_Glass 
@ClockworkOcean makes no difference, still dissapears after a certain distance…
How about this, mesh settings in the level

do i find those settings in the post process volume? @ClockworkOcean
@clockworkocean still disappears…
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Yup, no idea, sorry. I have 5.2: put a glass mesh in the world and zoom out to pluto, and it’s still there… 
hahaha, okay, i’ll try something else. Thank you very much for your time and effort!!!
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hey @clockworkocean i just wanted to tell you that i see you helping out me and so many other people on this platform practically all the time, for which i want to thank you whole heartedly. Really appreciate it!
I have this same problem. I have tried everything. it is for sure the glass and raytracing, issues. Let me know if you find any thing I am on 5.2 as well.