glass railing disappears when moving further away

Hey, I had the same issue and I fixed it in the Project Settings ->Engine - Rendering → Translucent Sort Policy and changed it to Sort by Projected Z

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That works thanks.

what worked for me was turning the Manual Focus Distance settings for my camera wayyyy up. Like an absurd amount

The same issue with a simple glass material. Disappears in the distance and work good with a opaque material. I am working on UE5.3 can someone help?

Having the same issue. It appears to happen when two pieces of geo that are glass are side by side or very close. Some geo might actually have two faces even though it appears to be one mesh. The only way to fix I’ve been told is through separating those faces/geo out and changing the translucency priority of the outside glass to higher than that of the inside. But I’m hoping there’s a solution where I don’t have to separate the geo. Anyone? I’ve tried all the tips here and none of them worked.

It’s probably because the glass is smaller than 1% of the screen.

A workaround is to not create 1 small glass mesh, but combine all glass railings to be 1 connected mesh. Then, with the glass railing being 1 big mesh, it won’t disappear anymore.

Solution that worked for me was: select all the glass panel meshes (or in combinations to make bigger chunks of meshes, for me the smallest ones started dissapearing first) - ACTOR (in the upper left part of the toolbars) - MERGE MESHES - merge. Save in content browser, drag into the scene & replace the old collection of small meshes with the singular. Hope it helps, have a good day. Albert

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Thanks Albert!

This works flawlessly.

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Okay, I’ve figured this out! It’s the static meshes rendering bound scale. Select the mesh that’s giving you issues, in the details panel search for “bound”. You’ll see a Bounds Scale under Rendering. By default, this is set to 1. Depending on how far your camera is you’ll want to increase this (I find this tends to happen when using a long focal length and the camera is far away from the object). Not big numbers, we’re talking from 1 to 2, or 3 or 4. Nothing too big. This setting basically affects the object cull distance. So jump into your camera and play with this number until it shows back up. Hope this helps!


This helped ! Thanks for sharing koroshino.

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Live saver, thank you <3

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Thank you so much for sharing this information It Works

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Thanks for sharing. It work for me

I love you!!!