Glass Material: Raytracing Translucency?

No matter what I do. As soon as I fully Raytrace the Refraction / Transluceny … the Glass Material turns out to be black.

Here is a short 4k-Video that describes very clear the problem:

try this

thank you, that looks very nice. How did you do the glass material with the raytracing?
Do you mind showing more details about your glass material and the geometry?

did you try to increase the sample count in the translucent section of the post process volume?

For me it is Ray opacity bug (black background = black glass).

Try set opacity = 0 (“invisible glass”):
Eye —> | glass opacity=0 \ —> end glass opacity=1

Ray Alfa(100% bounce to background) + Ray Beta(no RAY behind glass)

FIX: Use empty mesh:
Eye → | Glass 1 | → Air → **| Glass 2 | **–> Background…1–261646.html (5 refrations)