Glass Material looks fine in Material Editor, but bad in level?

I have a model that uses a glass material I made. It looks fine in the Editor Preview but bad in the level. I don’t know how this happens, but it does.

Here is the preview inside the editor of the static mesh:

And here’s inside the level.

I think it has something to do with the lighting but I have no idea what.

Could be any number of lighting issues. First thought - are there any reflection captures in the level?

The first one has some prominent reflections and the 2nd one does not.

No. What is that?

Key item to make just about anything with specular or reflection look decent.

Reflections Captures in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

Basically, they are usually spread out across your level. Beyond that, I’d suggest delving into some map building and light tutorials. :+1:

I have added a sphere capture and build the reflections. No difference.

Btw this is the material I use: