How you guys see my campaign so far? I mean it is a combination about the birth of ROME, and gladiator lol.
CORE Idea: 2 brothers fighting for a ambition and power. Killing each other at the end. abour 200 A.D. After christ.
Overview: There are 2 brothers Geta and Romilius, geta gets to be emperor and romilius just a centurion but on it´s way to be a important legion leader
Geta hates romilius deeply hates, so he decides to send him to a impossible mission, he sends him to germania where he has to fight with, those germans were paid to
defeat him and kill him, when the battle is over he survives against 5 hordes, after battle is over, only 1 of his soldiers survives so far that later on will find in arena
geta goes aswell to the secret mission to observe and make sure he dies " haha could not have survived that " afterwards he survives and he is sold by a enslaver of rome
removing his tatoo to make sure he is not recognized. Then he fights multiple arenas until he hits with geta that likes to fight arenas.
requirements, on cutscenes aspect ratio goes like a movie, smoothly interpoleted. with textes example, Geta on horse, Geta: he could not survive that,
First the Battle: It happens on a landscape with lots of pine trees, and it begins with just 1 v 1 troop battle each troop of 30 men easy by default,
after wards if defeated you loose if not it comes a cutscene showing that all gallic german barbarian dudes attack the roman cohor and so far loads another level with lots
of ragdols of legionary soldiers and gallic ones, you see Geta on his horse saying he could not survived that, and after wards the gallic dudes check for casaulties and such
and they see him alive then they find an alive dude and they sell them by secret, the other dude it´s a black legionar.
Cutsecene: All dead, camera aproaches and they show the dead people and the barbarian ppl around walking, then they find an alive dude and they sell them by secret
Second Scene Ludus: Our hero it´s succesfully sold and wounded but alive has to train at the ludus where he will meet hes ludus teacher Aurelius, and the first what he has to do
is learn, Do you want to skip the tutorial? if yes then he goes direcly to fight with rudis an oponent, if you win you pass, afterwards ends. Cutscene you are a good gladiator
Ill take care of you I don´t belive you were in the legion but, still you are pretty much a good fighter.
Third Scene first arena fight: There is a team fight … WIP First arena surrounded of pine trees
Forth scene second fight: you have to fight 5 oponents with special armour and such, and weapons arendt arena for it, WIP
Fifth scene third arena: time for fight against a boss, Spider gladiator spiderux.
sixth arena: Geta the decisive fight WIP.
Key Meshes needed: Centurion helmet, Colloseum of Rome.
Written by Ferran Tantinya Bernades.