Hello !
I defined an anim asset in an actor:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Yag)
UAnimationAsset* WeaponBlendSpace;
Then in the blueprint inheriting from that actor, it was assigned a blendspace1D (created in the editor).
Then at a point id didn’t need it anymore and deleted the variable in the code.
When i wanted to delete the blendspace1D in the editor, it warned me that references to it still existed in all the actor blueprints.
I forced the delete (as there couldn’t possibly remain any trace of it since it had been erased from code).
Now every time i open the editor, i get messages of missing ref, and the ref viewer of every BP still shows the ghost ref.
Everything else works fine and i can work with no trouble, but still this doesn’t smell normal.
Is there a cache somewhere i should clean or is this a real problem ?
Thanks !