Getting the actor's UPoseableMeshComponent through code

It’s pretty straightforward. I need to access the UPoseableMeshComponent through script. The component itself is already attached to the Actor. AActor::FindComponentByClass crashes upon Build. Here’s some code for reference. Thanks


	// Called every frame
	virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;

	class UPoseableMeshComponent* VRBody;
	class USkeletalMesh* VRMesh;
	class USkeletalMeshComponent* VRMeshComponent;


   VRMeshComponent = AActor::FindComponentByClass<USkeletalMeshComponent>();
	VRMesh = VRMeshComponent->SkeletalMesh;
	TArray<FTransform> bones = VRMeshComponent->BoneSpaceTransforms;
	TArray<FName> boneNames;
	VRBody = AActor::FindComponentByClass<UPoseableMeshComponent>();