Getting started with Quest 3 development

Hi! Could anyone point me to a good step-by-step guide for getting set up for Quest 3 development? I tried following the pages on the Meta website but (a) they don’t seem to have been updated for the Q3 and (b) they’re not exactly newb friendly. I thought I made it to the end OK but when I try to run on the device it says “The Binaries for this Target Platform are not currently installed, would you like to use the Launcher to download them?” and when I say Yes it seems to want to install engine 5.2, which I already have. At this point I’m stuck. Before this point I’d only tried Unreal with the Rift S, and it “just worked”, presumably because it used a Windows runtime? IDK.


Update: I think it’s because the 5.2 installation didn’t have Android binaries! Simple really! Anyway, it’s building now!


Hi there, I’m looking to get started with Quest 3 development as well, and I was just wondering if you successfully managed to build anything to the Quest 3 yet using unreal engine? I managed to get version 5.2 connected and building successfully to the Quest but when the game loaded on the headset, everything is colored green (some kind of weird overlay on all of the textures, so everything just looks green). If you managed to get it working, would you possibly mind sharing how you did it? So really just, what version of Unreal Engine you used, and also what version of Android Studio did you use, and which SDK and NDK versions, and also what project settings for ‘Rendering’ and ‘Android’ did you use within Unreal Engine? Many thanks for any advice that you might be able to offer. I’m really surprised that there is no solid info out there yet. Many thanks!

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Just wanted to say that I am also working on this and will post my findings here.

I have followed the official documentation on Oculus (for Unreal devs), however, even though ADB is set up and (USB debugging enabled), the device won’t show up under Platforms/Devices.

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So I have successfully deployed my app from within UE5.2. to a Meta Quest 3. Here are my notes :wink: . Now if you read this a year from now, chances are good that the list of steps required may have changed. Always refer to the the official Unreal and Meta guides in case of need.

Deploying to Quest - Workflow UE5.2 to Quest 3

  1. Have the headset connected to the PC via USB-C cable.
  • Enable developer mode on the Headset (can be done from the headset or the mobile app, and from Meta Quest Dev Hub*), this should enable USB debug mode. Make sure you have “allowed connection” from inside the headset. If this step does not appear, then something is not correct.
    -Download Oculus PC desktop app (if not already installed)
  1. Follow the Unreal documentation to install the proper Version of the Android SDK and NDK (in 2023 for UE5.2, this Android Studio 4.0 as of May 28,2020), How to Set Up Android SDK and NDK For Your Unreal Engine Development Environment | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

a. Particluarly, SDK, NDK, JDK. Make sure to use the SDK version that UE supports (it may not be the latest version!)
b. After having installed and configured, Android studio, run SetupAndroid from Engine/Extras as Administrator.
c. The install directory for NDK should be C:/Users/[Username]/AppData/Local/Android/SDK/ndk/, where “username” is your login name for your computer.

  1. Verify if the Quest headset can be reached via ADB:
    a. Open up windows command propt (Windows+R), CMD, type “adb devices”. Your headset’s ID should appear if connected.

  2. Not techincally required but could be beneficial:
    a. Having a Meta dev organisation
    b. Download & install the Meta Quest Dev Hub (earlier, ODH) and configure it. This is quite a useful app to have but be cautious!
    a. You may have to set ADB and NDK paths manually as they may interfere with what you set up under Pt2.
    b. You may need the Oculus ADB drivers (not sure)
    c. You may need to set up the device with MQDH, which may require a WiFi
    In my main dev workstation I ended up not installing MQDH and could still compile for and deploy to the Quest 3


  1. Device should be visible from Platforms/Devices in Unreal

  2. Under Platforms, Android should not have any exclamation marks

  3. Enable MetaXR Plugin under Plugins

  4. Make Project settings following the Meta guide Not Found | Oculus

  5. Most importantly: Configure under Platforms/Android, hit “configure for project”

  • Set the following settings depending on your target device, Minimum SDK Version: 32.
  1. Target SDK Version: 32. Enable FullScreen Immersive on KitKat and above devices and check for True. Disable Support OpenGL ES3.2 in Build.
  2. Add support to the headsets used under “Advanced APKPackaging” and Plugins/MetaXR
  3. Rendering configurations

Should now be ready to deploy to Quest 3 from inside UE5.2


There is a step by step for setting up in 5.3.2


Thankyou Sean for this. I would just like to ask if the following steps are for PCVR development as well? I have a Quest 3 headset but am not interested in developing for Quest at this stage and would like to avoid installing anything here I don’t really need.

I’m currently having a difficult time getting a (template) VR project working with Quest 3 and AirLink, with Unreal version 5.3.2 (won’t bore you with the details).

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Hi Ekar,
for PCVR you can skip the steps with the android sdk and jdk, becaus you will not build your game for Adroid. When Quest Link is Active Unreal should recognize your Quest 3 as a VR Headset. After that you should be good to go. There was a Bug i encountered recently with building the Game for PCVR where you get some delay in the HMD tracking but this is solved with using the Source Version of UE5.3.2.

Hi, I’m getting the same error, following antinnit’s tutorial for UE5.3.2. I followed all the (many!) steps there and don’t understand what you mean by “the installation didn’t have Android binaries”. Could you explain how you got it working? Thanks!

THis is a good beginning, it is an Unreal Engine Sample Project for Quest 3 Passthrough Mode Game/App. : GitHub - oculus-samples/Unreal-PassthroughSample: This Unreal sample demonstrates the Passthrough functionality provided by Meta Quest headsets.The Oculus SDK and other supporting material is subject to the Oculus proprietary license.

If you are having trouble, you may need to go Project Settings/Platform/Android/ and the red bar if you see one, click it and allow it to fix APK Packaging for overwrites.
Also scroll down to the other red bar 'Google Play Servies and choose apply…