Hello everyone,
I have a bit of an issue trying to find information on AR for unreal.
I was using Unity until recently but I hit a wall because i really have trouble coding in C# and i dont really have time to learn a new language.
I was looking forward to use Unreal’s interface but Tutorial on the subject seems really surface level and im a bit lost on where to start.
I really hope there is a solution because im running out of option.
Would you be able to be more detailed about what it is you’re trying to do? Typically jumping straight into XR is not recommended, as it’s difficult to get down the basics while juggling the more advanced testing methods that come along with the format, and that’s why the tutorials available seem more surface-level, because they probably assume you know a good deal of the ins-and-outs of Unreal. That being said, we can try our best to guide you where you need to be! But it’s hard to know where to point without knowledge of what it is you’re trying to do.
Thank you,
im trying to make an application to make simple tutorial, adding feature around real object.
more precisely what had me stuck before was creating a selection tool that works on the phone to select the virtual object and interact with it.
selecting the element,
adding it has a child to my camera so it move along with the user,
I want to make a solid base to build upon it with time but i need to make a quick pitch to my employer first just to confirm we can move forward with this solution.
I’m willing to learn the software but i specifically need AR to work for our project.
Im mostly a designer so coding is really hard for me to understand. Not impossible but it would take too much time for me to master, so that’s why im trying to switch to unreal
Hey, the blueprint system will be fine for this, don’t worry about having to learn C++.
This is a good intro video to make sure you can set up on a phone, and goes through the uses of the template. Just skip to the AR section.
Next you’ll want to take a look at this documentation. Specifically the “Scanning and Object Placement” part
After that, you need to look into “Line Trace By channel” using a “Touch Input” to basically draw a line forward where you touch the device, then grab what is touched and have it do something. In this case you want to spawn a Widget, so you want to go learn about those once you can get the actor to appear in the world! Don’t be afraid to come back here and ask questions!
Edit: Since you’re experienced with Unity, a lot of these concepts are going to make sense, they’re simply renamed and visualized instead of being straight text. Don’t stress, just be diligent and I have confidence you’ll be fine!
Im really not sure if im just doing something wrong but i’ve tried following the instruction to fix the code and really haven’t change anything with this.
at this point, i’ve tried it on my mac, on my pc with android studio 4.0, electric eel. Ive tried redownloading every software.
I still get the same error message about the directory being set incorrectly.
So what it means by the directory being set incorrectly is: during setup, you tell it where the locations of the android files are within your computer.
Unfortunately I can’t tell you where it is, because you installed it .
And I’m really unfamiliar with MacOS, on windows I would say check C://ProgramFiles/Android or something to that effect. You can click the little ellipses on the side to search around and find it, or use Finder outside UE5.