Hi there,
I need to figure out the overall brghtness/luminosity of my players screen, not on tick but say a few times a second and at a reduced resolution. I read on an old forum post that one method could be to create a post-process material, analyze the luminosity of each pixel, average that and then output that as a float stream, but the examples linked were all 404s.
Does this sound possible? Could anyone describe the basic steps required to do this and get the value out to other blueprints, or suggest a more performant work around. The idea is to have a value measuring the brightness of the sun on screen, taking into account light shafts and it being occluded by static objects and skeletal meshes.
Alternatively if there was a way to access the Histogram debug values in HDR(eye adaption) view mode in a blueprint perhaps that could circumvent the need for a post-process material?
Many thanks