Getting rid of functionality in child character class

If i have print strings in my parent character class that i want to get rid off in the child character class, how do i do this? I also want to get rid of some of the logic in there

If you have a parent that ticks:


The child will use parent’s tick, too (bottom right):

Remove that parent call and compile.

You can also add a parent call:

And Event in the parent:


Can be either be overridden (top) or called (bottom)


Is this logic in a function / event / encapsulated in a component / child actor / inherited from another parent?

I also want to get rid of some of the
logic in there

While you cannot get rid of it, you can simply opt not to use it. Although nothing stops one from destroying an inherited component that encapsulates logic. Just make sure the parent is also OK with that component going missing all of a sudden.

Yeah but what if you want to keep a ton of other functionality and just get rid of a single tick from the parent inside the child?

If you want to turn off tick in the child then why not just set actor ticks to false at the start of the childs tick or begin playor constructor?
Or flat out override can tick in the child class defaults.

You didn’t read my question correctly. If I turn off all ticks flat-out then that turns off ALL the ticks. I’m using multiple ticks. I just want to turn off ONE, not all of them.


The child does not call the parent tick unless you invoke it yourself.
in c++

void AChild::Tick(float DeltaTime)
	Super::Tick(DeltaTime); // <- this calls inhered tick just don't call it if not needed

In blueprints parent tick will not be called automatically either, unless your call Parent:Tick (right click on child tick “add call to parent function” and connect & pass delta time)