Getting nested property values from properties?

Yes, you can get the ObjectProperty’s value (which would be an UObject), and iterate that object’s properties like I described above.

In your current ParseProperty method it would be something like :

void USuperPrinterBPLibrary::ParseProperty(FProperty* Property,void* ValuePtr,ACharacter* Target)
    else if(FObjectProperty* ObjectProperty = CastField<FObjectProperty>(Property))
        // in UE5 the value is of type TObjectPtr<UObject>
        // before UE5 it would probably be UObject*

        TObjectPtr<UObject> Obj = ObjectProperty->GetPropertyValue(ValuePtr);
        if (Object)
            for (TFieldIterator<FProperty> It(Obj->GetClass()); It; ++It)
                FProperty* InnerProp = *It;
                void* InnerValuePtr = InnerProp->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Obj);
                ParseProperty(InnerProp, InnerValuePtr, Target);

Be careful though, this will easily lead to infinite loops if you have circular object references (eg. ObjectA has a property referencing ObjectB, ObjectB has a property referencing ObjectA).