Hi All, so I’m relativly new to UE4 as a whole, I have a few of the basics down well enough and I have a question. Recently I downloaded this template for a melee trace system.
Now, It works just fine with my main player character, setting it as a child BP for the one made by the author, but the AI enemy I am trying to create simply doesn’t want to make an attack, I can get it to run up to the player when they see it using pawn sensing but after that they just kind of hang out. I haven’t gotten into Ai acripting with controllers and blackboards and trees as of yet, though I will be starting soon. Would anyone know of a way for me to get the Ai to equip and use the custom weapon I made for it using that system ? As it stands it just spawns that weapon to the hand bone of the enemy and does nothing beyond that.
I did try asking the author but he doesn’t really work with Ai so he couldn’t help me, so I asked him permission to post here with a link.
Any help would be appriciated!