Getting error when trying to publish Fortnite Map

When trying to submit my Fornite Map for publishing I am getting this error:

I have tried clearing my cookies and browsing data, I have also tried Microsoft Edge and Chrome. I have closely looked at all of the guidelines and all my images meet the requirements.

I also have completed all of my information in the Fornite Creator Portal, including the tax interview and all monetization information. I have a green banner at the top that confirms this:

My map has also passed the memory calculation.
This is my first time trying to publish a fortnite map. Help?


I was able to submit it by removing the trailer,(strange) but now I’m getting automatically rejected for IP infringement. I have no idea what it could be. I saw online that the maps will get auto-rejected for music, but I wrote the music… help?

It is being instantly rejected with this error. There is zero copywritten material on my map. Everything is pre-fab Fortnite assets with the exception of the music and some sounds, all of which I created and are owned by me. I even tried to add myself as an attribution and it still failed. What do I need to do to use my own music?

@TaylorAmbrosioWood Hello! This is something that our Player Support team can investigate for you to give more information: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

Yes I opened a support ticket about this. Is there any obvious way I missed in the UEFN documentation to deal with custom music and sfx to show they are mine? Or to push them through to a manual review?

Gmail - [Epic Games Player Support] Re_ Conversation with TaylorAmbrosioWood.pdf (139.4 KB)
I’m not able to get support to tell me why the sound effects I made were rejected. Help?